Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Advent of Rest – December 11, 2013

Suggested Reading: Matthew 11: 27-29

Our world is so busy.

There is so much we feel we need to do, and if you ever do get a chance to just sit down and flip on the television, you are immediately inundated with more noise and information to fill your mind – not to mention the advertisements that are designed to make you discontent so they can sell you the solution to the problem they have created for you.
Into the midst of this maelstrom of dissatisfaction and activity comes the onset of Christmas and the holiday season. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any busier, there is a new round of expectations and activities!

But there is another way.

The Advent season is an invitation to rest. Jesus invited all who were tired and carrying heavy burdens to come to Him and find rest, rest for your soul.

This rest is not the end of all activity. In fact, this invitation to rest is actually an invitation to step into work alongside Jesus. He uses the image of an ox being tied up next to another ox to pull a wagon or a plough as the invitation to rest. This doesn’t immediately strike me as restful!

Jesus invites us to learn from Him, because He is gentle and humble. The invitation is to learn to live from a place of trust, to learn to live as Jesus lived.

As we read the story of the life of Jesus on earth, we don’t find a man who was lazy or unengaged. Jesus was active and constantly on the move, but He was not busy or harried. He knew that His Father was working everything out. Even the timing of Jesus’ birth was precise and according to plan, although I doubt that Mary and Joseph experienced it as such!

Jesus knew that everything was under the control of His loving Father. He often withdrew to quiet places and prayed. He stayed in tune with the Father and therefore was able to be at rest even in the midst of activity.
He offers this same rest to us.
How does God’s offer of rest sound to you?
What burdens can you lay down today?

What can you let Jesus carry for you?

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