Monday, December 9, 2013

The Advent of Mystery – December 9, 2013

Suggested Reading: John 1: 1-18

Do you like being confused?

I don’t. I like to understand things. If I don’t understand something, I study, research, and ponder. I pick it apart mentally, and sometimes physically, to try to see what makes it work, to unravel the mystery.

This curiosity and desire to understand is a gift from God. Many of the mysteries of life are like puzzles we are meant to explore and solve. God made us curious and put us into a world full of puzzles and conundrums. It must bring Him joy to watch us puzzling over things and solving problems. I know I enjoy figuring things out.

Some things are beyond us because they are too small and we do not have the tools to see or understand them – like atoms. No one has ever seen an atom, or an electron. We know they exist and we can interact with them, but even with our finest tools, we cannot actually see them. Not yet, but someday we might.

But there are other things that are beyond us, not because they are too small, but because we are. God’s thoughts and abilities are so far beyond ours that we will never understand them. There are mysteries that are meant to inspire awe and to remind us that we are small.
These awe-inspiring mysteries cause us to place our hands over our mouths like Job and shake our heads in wonder. The incarnation is one of these mysteries.

How can a human body contain the Creator of the universe? At 93 million miles, we are at a safe distance from the Sun. Any closer and we would be destroyed by the heat and power. But the One who made the Sun, and all the stars that dwarf the Sun, was crammed into the womb of a teenage girl; and yet, she was not destroyed. The baby was born, wearing skin like ours, and this God-man walked among us and lived with us, and we were not consumed.

This is a mind-boggling, dizzying mystery, and the common ordinary story of Christmas.
What aspects of God or His character confuse or perplex you?

How can you celebrate the awesome mystery of Christ today?

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