Friday, December 13, 2013

The Advent of Love – December 13, 2013

Suggested Reading: John 3

There is a popular misconception about God that seeps into conversations about Him, even among believers. It is the idea that God is different in the Old Testament and the New Testament, almost as if there were two different God’s in the Bible: the violent, angry God of plagues and conquest, and the humble, gentle God of healings and sacrificial love.

The story of Christmas is a love story that bridges the two Testaments and demonstrates the unity of Scripture. Perhaps no single Scripture illustrates this better than Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus.

Nicodemus, a Pharisee and member of the ruling council of the Jews, came to Jesus representing himself and others who recognized God’s authority in Jesus, but still had some questions. He was one of the foremost teachers in Israel and knew the Scriptures as well as anyone of his day. The Bible he read was our Old Testament, as the New Testament had not yet been written. In a sense, Jesus is explaining New Testament truths to an Old Testament scholar.

It is in this context that Jesus explains the necessity for the Father to send the Son. God gave His one and only Son because He loved the world so much. Jesus is surprised that this Old Testament scholar doesn’t understand these things already.

God’s Father-heart toward His children is filled with a fierce love. His love will go to amazing ends to keep His people safe, His message pure, and His purposes on track. His fierce love will brook no opposition and is often shown in power in the Old Testament. But this same fierce and compelling Father-heart is demonstrated in the New Testament by His willingness to humble Himself and endure suffering and pain on behalf of His children. It was the same divine love, expressed in different ways.

We desperately need help! We need a Saviour who will rescue us from the World, from the Devil, and from our own wayward hearts. God’s love will conquer all opposition... even the opposition that comes from within us.

“God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” (1 John 4:9-10)
In what ways have you sensed or seen God’s love for you recently?

How have you been resisting God’s love? How can you live as one loved today?

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