Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Vocation is not career.  Vocation is calling.  Calling is not a once for all event, but can change over time with the will of the Caller in particular times and places.

Upon reflection I see how God has moved in my life in so many ways to prepare me for where I am right now.  I don’t know what will come around the bend, but I know that He wants me to live rightly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him.

It is this last aspect of walking humbly that is the root of my growing understanding of vocation.  I was raised to think of vocation as it is used in the vernacular, a job, or career.  But the root of the word is entirely different.  It comes from the same root as “vocal” meaning to give voice to.  God gives voice to His desires, His will, for us, and we hear Him and obey. 

The sweet thing is that on this road of obedience we find our own deep and lasting joy.  The calling may involve, or even necessitate, great pain, but the one who calls us has promised to work all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Rom. 8:28) Do you see the emphasis in the text?  I must say that the impact of the last portion of the verse is growing for me even as I write this.

God promises.  Just that statement is amazing.  The God of the universe, who flung stars into space, and created the very space and time into which they were flung, makes promises to mere mortal men and women;  He promises to work everything out for a select group.  He defines the group as those that: 1- love Him, and 2- Are called by Him according to His purpose.  God knows what He is about, and He calls us to respond to Him.  His general call is for everyone at all times, but the scriptures are replete with specific calls to specific people as well.  In fact, the scriptures are essentially the record of God’s repeated calling to the World, and to individuals who have a role to play in the World.  He honors us by giving us real power to wield; to make real choices with real impact on ourselves, and the World around us. 

We have no concept how much our words, and actions influence the great confluence of seemingly random events that move history along.  Even small decisions by small men and women can change the world.  The thing is that often those who change the world, for good or evil never recognize or understand their contribution.  To do that would require wisdom and perspective that we are simply not capable of.  The beauty of it is that God is intimately aware of (and in an ultimate sense even in control of) every choice and every outcome, and how each one will influence each other one.  He knits the disparate, and even the seemingly diametrically opposed pieces together into a cohesive whole that in the end will be beautiful and intelligible.  The finished product will bring great glory to Him and will be the absolute best for each individual who hears His call and chooses to respond. 

Actually, I should say, “chooses to obey”.  For every person responds, but many respond by rejecting the overtures from the only Lover who can touch us where we most need to be touched.  Only He sees and understands everything about us.  Only He has the wisdom, power, and love to be worthy of our trust.  But, no Lover has been more spurned and rejected, both by those whom He courts, but also by those who have pledged themselves to Him.  He is cuckolded innumerable times every day, but continues to love and forgive, even has He disciplines.  He does not punish us as we deserve, but neither does He spare us the rod of correction when it is needed.  He is the perfect Lord and Father.  He knows exactly what we need, and is not swayed from the right course by the influences of Sin on His own character.  He has vanquished sin through His life, death, and resurrection.  Now He calls us to live as He lived and has given us everything we need for life and godliness.  The question is, how will we respond…

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