Wednesday, November 3, 2010


As I was out walking today, my dog kept wandering off the path. That wouldn't normally be a problem, but we were walking alongside a freshly planted field. The crop was just sprouting. I want to be a blessing to our community, and damaging a farmer's crop wouldn't be a blessing.

So, I called the dog. She quickly turned around, came out of the field, and returned to me. I praised her and patted her for returning to me so quickly. Then I pointed toward the path ahead and released her to run. She went about ten feet down the path and then veered into the crop again. I called her and she turned and cocked her head as if to say, "Now, what's the problem!?"

As she returned to me, I fought back frustration. I gave her a treat and again pointed down the path. She ran off, and after fifteen feet or so was headed back into the field. That's when it occurred to me that she couldn't tell the difference between the muddy path and the muddy field.

There are times when she intentionally does the opposite of what I want her to do. I have written about that before. This was different. It wasn't rebellion. She wanted to please me. She just didn't understand when she was on the path, and when she was not. She lacked discernment.

Then it hit me. How many times do I simply wander off the path. I am walking with God. I am enjoying the walk. I am enjoying the freedom that He gives me. We're having a ball together. When, unbeknownst to me, I start trampling on something. I have wandered off the path without intending to. I think the key is being in tune enough to hear his voice and get back on track in those moments.

How many times each day do I get distracted? How many times do I start chasing down some piece of trivia on the internet? How many times do I let my thoughts wander? It's not intentional disobedience, it may not be inherently wrong, but I start to wander. I can't necessarily tell when I'm starting to drift off track, but I suddenly find myself standing in the middle of a field with only a ague recollection of how I got there.

I don't think that this means that I need to worry about wandering. God has given us tremendous freedom to explore and enjoy the world. I don't feel like I need to second guess every step I take. Rather, I need to tune my heart to His voice. I need to learn to listen for Him as I run and play in the world He has created. If I learn to hear discern His voice, I have more freedom, not less! I can run and play in the fields knowing that He is close and that He will call me if I'm wandering.

The key is the relationship. The key is learning to hearken to His voice.

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