Thursday, October 15, 2009

Who else?

There are times in my journey when I am filled with love for God.  There are times when I just delight in Him and desire nothing more than sitting in His presence.  There are other times when our relationship is less filled with inexpressible joy, and more difficult.  There are times when I really resonate with Peter. Peter was passionate.  Peter was eager.  Peter often spoke impetuously.  Peter was also honest, as honest as he could be.  I love Peter's words in John 6.

Quite a few followers were leaving and abandoning Jesus.  Those who were not leaving were grumbling.  Jesus turns to the twelve and asks them if they are also going to leave.  I love Peter's response.  You might expect that He would declare his undying loyalty.  You might expect that he would declare his love and his faithfulness.  Instead he responds, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."

No bombastic declarations.  No prideful self assurance.  No, those would come later, in a different season.  This time he responded with a simple statement about what is true.  They knew that Jesus was the One.  If we read between the lines we see Peter's implication, that if they had another real option, they might well take it. But, because they knew that Jesus was the Messiah and the only way to eternal life, they had no choice but to follow Him.  Who else could they follow?

That is a bit where I find myself in my journey these days.  I am wrestling with God.  I am frustrated.  I am bothered.  But to whom else can I go?  I know too much to leave.  I know that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.  So I seek Him still, even though He says some strange things, even though He asks for difficult sacrifices.  Where else could I go?  Who else has the words of eternal life?  Who else is the Eternal Word?  So, with Peter, I will stay the course and trust that this season too will pass and another one will follow.

1 comment:

bman said...

He is good, and He is the way. Stay the course and keep into His word.

Love isn't something that just happens. It takes work.

It's okay to question, and it's okay to be frustrated. He can handle it.

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