Thursday, April 3, 2008

Maintaining Perspective

I find that one of the key struggles for me is to maintain perspective. As I read the news or interact with family or engage with the world around me in a myriad of ways, I find that I often lose perspective. I tend to view the events around me from my own personal, and generally self-absorbed, point of view rather than framing them as part of a larger narrative. Also, when I do manage to frame them as part of a larger narrative, I do so from a strictly naturalist or human perspective. I naturally tend to organize my thoughts about the world and my place in it without figuring God into the picture. It’s not that I lose touch with reality, but I do lose touch with the ground of all true reality.

God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is the creator of all things and nothing was created except through Him. He is the all-knowing, all-seeing, all powerful, almighty God of the universe. In Him we live and move and have our being. He is the un-moved mover. He is the one trustworthy and unshakeable thing. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is for us. He is with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will comfort us and protect us. He will guide us and direct our steps. He is in us and all around us. He is the Reality under, around, in, through, behind, and beyond all reality.

I know this to be true, but I forget so easily! When I forget, I lose perspective. It happens so subtly that I don’t usually even notice when I have lost it. It’s like putting my keys in my pocket without remembering that there is a hole in the pocket. The keys slip out unnoticed and it isn’t until I have some need of them that I even realize that they are gone. I don’t notice that I have lost perspective and lost touch with Him until something, or someone, in the world rubs me the wrong way. Then it quickly becomes apparent to me that something is missing. I have lost the key that unlocks the mysteries of life and that provides the peace to carry me across the stormy seas of life. In that moment the lack, the loss, is almost tangible; and yet, even then I don’t always recognize what is awry. I often try to solve the problem apart from Him and apart from the right perspective, like trying to jam some foreign object, anything I find at hand, into a lock to make it open when I’ve lost the key. Often, it’s only later that I realize what I have done and why.

But God is not only great, He is also good, gracious, and merciful. He meets me again if I will but turn to Him. He truly does draw near to those who draw near to Him. As I open His Word and seek His face, I find myself renewed and refreshed. I find my perspective is realigned as I am reminded of the Truth. I find myself relaxing into His sovereignty and His love for me. After all, we are more than conquerors in Him. If He is for us, who can be against us?! He quiets me with His love and rejoices over me with singing. He is with me, His rod and His staff they comfort me.

So, I return to His Word day after day, not just to study principles or to gain knowledge of the Scriptures, but to get to know God. He meets me in and through His Word. His Spirit illuminates the Word and speaks to me through it. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. He draws near to me and empowers me anew for the challenges of the day. He puts the key back in my hand and reminds me about the hole in my pocket. He shows me the way and tells me to walk in it. Maybe today I’ll remember. If not, I can trust He’ll meet me again tomorrow, but I do hope to remember.

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